We exist to joyfully build Christ’s kingdom in York and beyond, household by household, through biblical worship, rich fellowship, and bold witness.

Our vision statement matters because it clarifies our ultimate purpose—joyfully building Christ’s kingdom household by household in York and beyond—ensuring that everything we do is anchored in biblical worship, deep fellowship, and bold witness. A clear vision provides direction, helping us stay faithful to our mission rather than being distracted by passing trends or cultural pressures. It also unites our congregation in a shared pursuit of God’s glory, equipping us to endure for generations as we continue proclaiming the gospel among the nations.

Our Vision & Mission

Our Vision

We exist to joyfully build Christ’s kingdom in York and beyond, household by household.

Our Mission

To accomplish our vision by faithfully practicing biblical worship, rich fellowship, and bold witness.


Our Core Values


As a congregation in York, our commitment to joy is paramount, recognizing the need for mirth and warmth in a region that can often feel bleak. We strive to embody the spirit of joviality expressed in Philippians 3:1, maintaining joy in all our endeavors, consciously avoiding the pitfalls of dourness or excessive pietism. Our witness as Reformed Christians is significantly strengthened by our joyful spirit, demonstrating the light and hope of the gospel even in a chaotic culture. Most importantly, we believe this joyful ethos to be a necessary reflection of the gospel itself, which sets the Christian free from sin and death in order to radically and eternally enjoy God and his blessings.

The Household

Our church believes the promises of Scripture concerning the gravity of the family unit, emphasizing the training of godly men as leaders in their homes and the church, the crucial role played by women in supporting and upholding their husbands and children, and the calling of men and women together to raise the next generation of saints. We focus on counseling, childrearing, and strengthening households in grace, with Psalm 127:3-4 guiding our vision of extending Christ’s kingdom through godly offspring. We also recognize that households of singles or couples without children are indispensable building blocks of the church and seek include them in family ministries as a result. A church of strong, antifragile households forms a solid foundation for impacting the broader community and other spheres of human endeavor.

Rich Fellowship

Our church has witnessed a transformative journey towards greater relational health and unity, exemplifying rich fellowship. We are a close-knit community that gathers not just in worship but also in each other’s homes, deeply caring for each other's children, and supporting congregants in need. Our fellowship is a living out of the gospel in everyday relationships, fostering a community that gives sacrificially and loves generously.


Since our church's inception in 1914, God has been at work in our midst. So, we seek to be driven by a long-term vision for the glory of God, both in York and across nations. In line with Psalm 110:1, our aim is to see all of life subjected to Christ and his Word, reflecting our commitment to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and the enduring lordship of Christ. We aspire to be a church that endures for centuries, integrating deep piety with actionable faith.

Biblical Worship

We believe corporate worship is ordained to celebrate and renew the new covenant relationship between the Lord and his visible people, deeply rooted in a spirit of faithfulness and reverence. We approach God collectively with reverence and awe, valuing the participation of every family member in our worship services. Rather than create an experience for church members and visitors to passively consume, we gather to render ourselves as living sacrifices to God in worship (Romans 12:1ff) and to sing to one another in songs, hymns, and spiritual songs (Ephesians 5:19-21). Further, our church is steadfastly committed to biblical exposition on the Lord’s day and in other church settings. We believe that any healthy church is built upon the right understanding and application of all of Scripture, including both law and gospel. Engaging deeply with the Scriptures, we incorporate them into every facet of church life—from singing and prayer to preaching and meditation. We are self-consciously a people of the Book, guided and informed by God’s Word in all aspects of life, unashamedly upholding the Bible as the ultimate authority.

Bold Witness

We aim not only to establish a robust, intergenerational worshiping community in York but, using York as a beachhead, to advance the gospel throughout the region, the nation, and beyond to the ends of the earth. We do this together by living evangelistically, speaking boldly, exercising Christian influence, and both sacrificially giving and sending laborers out into the world in both domestic ministry and cross-cultural missions. We believe that one day the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas (Habakkuk 2:14) and that God has called the local church to contribute to this final goal of history by publishing the gospel to the ends of the earth, performing works of mercy and compassion that visibly testify to the gospel, planting churches, and replicating the training and sending process wherever the gospel goes.

Learn More

In 2025, Pastor Wesley and the elders of Faith Bible Fellowship Church preached a four-week series through our vision, mission, and values, titled Who We Are: A Biblically Based Vision for the Church. Watch each message below.