As we enter a new year, we praise God for each and every member and friend of Faith Bible Fellowship Church. We truly see His love, grace, and mercy at work in our midst. It is our desire never to rest in our efforts to see our church grow… not just in numbers, but in godliness, in love, and in commitment. As we grow, there are growing pains. One area of concern is our children’s ministry. The number of children we are responsible for has grown exponentially this year. We are stretched for space and, more importantly, we are stretched for teachers and helpers. Our philosophy is that, because our children’s ministry primarily takes place during the morning worship hour, we want to spread that work out, involving enough teachers and helpers so that no one’s spiritual needs are neglected. Therefore, we are committed to recruiting and training for this important ministry.
We are also discipling several men to be Elders in the church. A church our size needs more than three elders to adequately care for and minister to our people so that no one is neglected. Pray for us, support us, encourage us, and ask God what role He wants you to play in our growing church.
— Ken Good, elder