Meet Ken and Lorna Good

If you have been recruited for one of these “Meet Our Members” blog posts, you were likely approached by Ken Good. It was recently brought to his attention that he and his wife have never introduced themselves in this format, so they are being featured this month.

Ken and Lorna have been members of Bible Fellowship churches for most of their 75 years, attending Terre Hill, Lancaster, Lehighton, Paradise, and York. Ken served as senior pastor at the last three of these churches. Lorna has taught children in church since she was a teenager right up to the present.

Before their marriage, Ken fought in the Vietnam War, where he was wounded in action. Lorna attended nursing school and worked in day care and as a nurse until her retirement. Together they have raised three sons. 

When Ken retired from the ministry, he built a business as a District Sales Manager for AFLAC. He still works part time reviewing cell phone tower contracts for their son Jonathan’s company. 

Lorna continues to teach and prepare curriculum for our children’s ministry, and Ken is the president of the board of elders at Faith. He continues to serve the church body by teaching adult Sunday School classes and offering the pastoral prayer during our corporate worship services. We deeply appreciate the Goods and their long, faithful service to the Lord in the Bible Fellowship Church.